Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hello Hello!
This post is dedicated to our Rick's Vintage selection.

RICK'S VINTAGE: This special grouping of clothing comes from the dusty vault of a crazy old hippie named Rick. His collection was amassed over the past 45 years, his sources always an intense secret. For the first time since he began collectiong, he is allowing California Select to handpick items just for you. Please treat the garments with care, and remember the history that each one carries.

Below are some photos of some loyal customers and employees showcasing some of the pieces he's let us put in our store!

If you've been outdoors anytime recently, you'll notice that spring is MOST DEFINITELY in the air! Included in this post are a few photos of our *new* spring section. Come in today to get your hands on our best spring styles before they're gone!

California Select

Rick himself!


Anonymous said...

Vintage is what i was looking for..

Thank you very much...

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Anonymous said...

I was playing games online however found reading this post more interesting thanks for the share please do keep it going great job....Loving this.


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